This past week, Wednesday, May 20, required an early morning visit to see a physician with one of my kiddos. While waiting for the physician to arrive (that is how early our appointment was), I passed the time by browsing through a Better Homes and Garden magazine. An article in the magazine was called
The 365 Day Project. The article included a series of moms, also known as artists in their own rite, who had chosen a project, something that could be completed daily. One took a daily photo, another wrote a blog, and yet another knitted a coffee cozy. This sent my mind racing, what a wonderful way to document life, the life of the Wild Wallace Clan. The mind pondered the many ways I could accomplish the 365 project, I could: blog, take a daily photo, write in a journal (using my favorite items - colors and imagination), better yet I could use the I-Pad to take photos AND blog. Nonetheless, the goal of the project seems SIMPLE! Do something EVERY day, without failing. I set out to figure out what would be the easiest way to complete my daily task, considering my time, energy, and responsibilities, but most importantly my overwhelming flaw - PROCRASTINATION!!
Sooooooo, here is is 4 days after I decided to wrangle the 365 day project and I am already behind. In giving myself a little credit I did purchase a VERY, nice, PINK leather journal with the intention to keep track of my thoughts daily using pen and paper, with occassional colored pencils and crayons too. However, the more I pondered my project the more I decided it was necessary to include photos. To me, photos tell their own stories, stories that words can express with practice and patience in honing a writing craft, but stories that are short, sweet and to the point. Something that can be accomplished daily . . . . so I am back to square one, trying to figure out how to accomplish my daily goal, and how do I get caught up since I am already 4 days behind. I suppose a project of this nature is much like a baby trying to walk, they fall down, they get back up and try again, one step at a time, one foot forward, each minute, each hour and each day they press on until they figure it out.
Words to live by, forgiveness of self, and a promise to try again tomorrow.
The 365 Day Project
Day 1, March 20, 2013
To the Moon and New York City
The place where the 365 day project idea came from, a visit with a neuro opthamologist to evaluate Amanda's optic nerves. She traveled to the moon in an MRI machine with all of its click, whirs, bangings and tappings, all the while watching
Boy Meets World. The end result - ALL CLEAR, thank you God, but I had a sense of peace before we got there it was going to be okay. Early morning MD appointment followed by a late night departure for New York City with the show choir from school. From the Moon to New York City.
The 70 mile/hour club
At the same time Amanda is scared and weeping about her departure to New York City, Christian has earned induction into the 70 mile per hour club at his baseball training facility, the prize - 2 NEW t-shirts to add to his wardrobe. His goals, a red band, and 70 miles per hour in
Turn and Burn and Tee Exit Speed. Baseball lingo for him to explain, proud as a peacock is what I see - enough said. After 2 weekends of baseball games (before the 365 project, but worthy of noting), 2 wins,
13 strike outs as the pitcher and a GAME BALL! Passion and hard work at their best!!
Day 2, March 21, 2013
Return to School
Back to backpacks, daily homework, packing lunches, early to bed and early to rise. Christian, Amanda and Emma return back to school after 2 1/2 weeks of being tracked out. The last 9 weeks of the school year, the last 9 weeks in middle school for Christian, before a LONG, REAL summer break. Mike traveled to Flow Town for the day to visit friends old and new and to figure out the TAXES!!
New York City Update: Text, texts and more texts from Amanda who is feeling the absence of being away from family, home, and mom.
I miss you, I really miss you.
A day touring the city and funds ALL SPENT - time for finance 101.
Are you glad you made the trip to New York? Yes, but I still miss you.
Day 3, March 22, 2013 It's FRIDAY, Mime Stations of the Cross
One more work of week for myself before my schedule changes to one day a week, I am looking forward to being more available for the family. One more week left in LENT and the high school youth group presented the Mime Stations of the Cross. When you envision mimes you think of speechless, comical interactive actors, but to see mimes reenacting the Passion of Christ, the hear the pounding of the nails, to examine your conscience and to realize you are the REASON for Christ's crucifixtion, VERY POWERFUL representation, unlike any other you would experience. Katy portrayed Mary, the Mother of Jesus. A beautiful representation!
New York City Update: workshop day with Broadway artists and lots of activities, much better spirits today, exhaustion!
It was fun and HOT!
Day 4, March 23, 2013
Hike for Christ
An early morning start for Mike and I as is typical for weekend, a breakfast date and a trip to Sams to bless our freezer with some food. The kiddos enjoyed the morning to sleep late and catch up from their return to school, or countdown for spring break in Katy's case. Mike and I decided to allow the kiddos to attend the Hike while we remained home for some down time. The beauty of having a teenage driver, you are granted more freedom and flexibility with your schedule and your taxi service. Sooo, off they went to the local park to hike 5 miles in rememberance of Christ's journey to the cross and to raise money in support of homeless in our area. Truly a lenten experience with prayer, a decade of the rosary at each mile marker; fasting, 2 hours to accomplish the hike followed by lunch afterwards; and almsgiving, money to support homeless in need of housing.
Mass for Palm Sunday, the kiddos went to dinner with Katy and her debit card.
Pack 444, Blue and Gold for Mike and I - a PROUD sense of accomplishment to know that we, together with a team of AWESOME leaders, put the wheels in place for such a wonderful organization. An example of what you can accomplish when it is God's chosen plan for you.
New York City Update: Performance Day, all the practice up to this point payed off and all went well. Mamma Mia on Broadway for the evening and a late night call, midnight. A more sure, confident, joyful voice I hear on the phone.
Day 5, March 24, 2013
Palm Sunday, a Day of Rest
A day to sleep in, OR to catch up on your 365 day project. No activities today - RAIN, RAIN and more RAIN, baseball was cancelled, no EDGE, Mass is complete - a day to enjoy the presence of family with meals together and no other obligations. Sheer Bliss! Thank you God for this gift.
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