Friday, August 1, 2008

Green Eyed Monster

A seething, green-eyed monster haunts my mind. It creeps into my inner most thoughts planting seeds of doubt. It lurks in the dark and it gently, quietly fans my desires and ambitions back into the deepest, darkest corners. I struggle to squeeze past its grasp, but it never fails to restrain me. I try over and over to squelch its power, but those seeds of doubt pop up with every turn, preventing me from moving past the monster. Each day I frantically race to pull up the seeds, but one look behind me and the seeds have returned. I wallow in sorrow, feigning failure and lost hope. But finally, I strike an agreement with the monster. I am allowed to take one step forward, two steps back, one step forward, two steps back. I argue daily with my nasty companion, but we've forged a working relationship. Fortunately, I forgive myself for letting "it" inhabit my mind and I realize it will be a constant tenant. I prevail as I slip past its grip, if only for a little while. My seething, green-eyed monster goes by the name PERFECTION and PROCRASTINATION. Who else is to blame for my seemingly relaxed, laissez faire ways? The "Not-Me" Ghost? No, just me, myself and I mixed with a dose of PERFECTION and PROCRASTINATION!!

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