Saturday, May 15, 2010

A camping we will go, a camping we will go - PART 2

Today was drop-off day for Amanda's camping trip.  We started the morning with our usual fare and decided we needed to "throw" together a S.W.A.P.S (Silly Whatcha-ma-call-its Affectionately Pinned Somewhere) for Troop 1569's premier camping trip.  In keeping with our new favorite camp song, The Princess Pat, and her rigabamboo we constructed our own "rig-a-bam-boo" using some bamboo skewers.  Quite cute I must say!  Cute enough that mom kept one for herself. 

Preparing for Amanda's camping experience was much easier than preparing for Christian's.  The mere fact that the Troop did not have to hassle with tents made the preparation easier it seems.  Hmmmm, I don't know why. 

Unlike Christian, Amanda had no hesitation in departing for her trip.  Once she was assigned with her adult leader, she packed her supplies, loaded up in the van and was ready to leave.  I had to seek her out to say my good-byes.  She was ready for her grand adventure.  She repeatedly said, "I have been waiting to do this.  I can't wait to go.  I told Mrs. Brown (her teacher) about my trip.  I can't wait." 

What a difference in personalities - the elements that make each child unique.  Several parents who were dropping off girls were dropping off their only child.  They were all excited about their child free evening.  I was getting a taste of life with half of my children being gone.  While strange, it was fun to have some time with Katy and Emma - of course, I have more than enough time with Emma these days, but the days are getting fewer and fewer as she will be starting kindergarten in July.  How quickly the time is approaching!

We followed Amanda and her Troop caravan down the road for a piece after which point we went our separate way. Katy, Emma and I were off on our own adventure - SHOPPING!!!  Of all things, shopping for material to make a dress for Katy -a dress for her 8th grade dance.  WOW -  lots of exciting adventures going on at the Wallace house.  Lots of adventures to savor and document for later.    

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